Every Wednesday my mom faithfully drives 1.25 hours to come watch my children and do my laundry. I don't ask her to do the laundry. If you know her, then you know that she is the QUEEN of all things LAUNDRY. Her laundry room is bigger than my family room. And she is compelled to get clothes clean by some force that if bottled would make us rich. I could not survive a week without her. I've tried, it's not cute.
Along with her service to our family she brings non perishable food items that are so new I have never seen them at the grocery store. She might be meeting the trucks at the new Target warehouse by her home in order to get this stuff. The latest cookies, chips, dips, and paper goods await us. I now know where my love & attraction to packaging comes from. The children bum rush her when she appears to see what kinds of goodies Grammy has brought. She also brings some rockin' fresh fruit from her local farms, to balance out the sugarfest. Just for fun, I thought I would start keeping a log of the various and random items that enter our pantry. If there are any standouts - I'll post them here.
Mom, this is in no way meant to stop you. For one, you cannot be stopped. Since the hubs tells me I am going to be just like you (except for the laundry thing) I figured it would be a good idea to start documenting it for posterity. And really, secretly, I love it as much as the kids. It's like Christmas every week.
Also, I wanted to say I am in no way intending to complain about bookclub. I love the ladies and treasure the time we spend together each month. I just had high hopes for this particular discussion. C'est la vie.
It is mighty difficult to read when: 1. the temp indoors is 80ish 2. there is no peace & quiet to be had living in one room with 3 boys 3. i have the attention span of gnat 4. i am addicted to the SIStv website. I have found that short story collections are a winning solution to the problems posed above. I finished Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (see right) and was blown away. She has been compared to Flannery O'Connor and I can totally see it. Her writing is marvelous - clean & tight -some of it disturbing, some funny. You can tell she is uber talented. I recommend it if you like Flannery or a little bit of dark writing. It may be a little shocking otherwise.
Lastly, I can't save this until tomorrow. I need to give some etsy love here. If you are not already an etsy addict - beware. Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade goods & artsy stuff. You buy directly from the creative people who make the items and you can get some unique things. Anyhoo - I've ordered this shirt for the Owen from KiWiCuties:
and this one for Caleb from Dogbone Art:
gotta find one for KWB now. So adorable.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
The End.