, founder
What a visionary! Since 1935, Penguin Books has not only revolutionized paperback publishing - they have done it in style.
Known for their exquisite cover art and graphic design as well as award winning titles like Death of a Salesman, Gravity's Rainbow, Angle of Repose, and Disgrace, Penguin is around to stay. Quite a feat in the crazy world of publishing. Join me in wishing them a sincere Happy Birthday and a wish for continued success.
Most recently, I have begun to stock Evie's library with a Penguin hardcover classic - Jane Eyre. And I plan to add to her library with one of these beautifully bound titles each year on her birthday. Some daughters have hope chests, mine has a bookshelf.
Now it is my pleasure, through the kindness of Penguin, to offer you one of two titles in celebration! You may choose:
Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks - one of my absolute favorites
The Short Novels of John Steinbeck - I chose this for the gorgeous cover and because I have a fondness for Steinbeck carrying over from a college course where I read all his novels (except that King Arthur one that I didn't know existed until a couple years ago)
Leave me a comment by midnight this Sunday, August 1st with your preference. And don't forget to visit the Penguin 75th Anniversary site. If you get a chance- go visit that cute little Mini Cooper!
The End.