1. The end of summer is upon us. As you read this, the first day of school has come (and gone). And I am totally okay with that. Bring it on, fall.
2. We moved this summer, in case you are new here or missed all the lamenting over packing and staging the house for sale. Aforementioned woes were aired here from January through June. A word about unpacking - it may actually be worse than packing. And we are still a work in progress, except for the bookshelves. :) (i have taken a bit of grief about that.)
3. The blog got two new reviewers! This has been a huge help since my writing mojo was left at the old house. Trish is covering mostly southern fiction with some historical fiction and lighter reads as well. Colleen is my ya expert, she specializes in dystopian, but is willing to read whatever I send her. Welcome again, Trish and Colleen!
4. Right after the move I had a little surgery. It threw a little wrench into the last two weeks of July, since it came as a surprise (aka emergency). All is well, thanks.
5. Between moving and recovery I lost the ENTIRE month of July. Gone. Never getting it back. A month best forgotten.
6. I have been known to refer to seasons by certain foods...this will be the Summer of Pesto. We (Evie, Owen and I) have been putting it on everything. yum.
7. I don't think I've taken more than a handful of pictures since June. And apart from the outside of the house, no pics of the new home either. Basically the whole summer has been undocumented. Sigh.
8. We did have a lovely albeit pricey getaway at the Chesapeake Hyatt Resort in Cambridge. I can't recall when I was last served pina coladas poolside, but it was more than 12 years ago. And that alone was worth it.
9. I broke my new phone. I had it a little over two months. Not good. Not good at all.
10. KWB is in middle school. He is my first baby. He grew almost 3 inches this summer (to about 5'3")and his feet....I can't even talk about it. May the Lord have mercy on us all.
The End.