bookish owl notepad by stephanie fizer
Friends, please forgive the indulgence of using the blog for listmaking but it happens to have 10 items...
1. Shower. I realize it may seem like an odd thing to actually put on a list, but it will feel good to check something off...and be clean. :) Are you with me?
2. Vacuum out the truck. Can't do it with E in her seat or she'll freak. How I love those high-powered vacs though.
3. Go for a walk. Taking your advice, dear Katy. Going to explore some more of the neighborhood. It's a cool, damp day and lil E has a bit of congestion but I think fresh air tips the scales in favor of a walk.
4. Changing our voting info so we can participate on election day. Must get the paperwork ready and deliver tomorrow. Too bad this can't be done online...I understand why, but feeling lazy.
5. Make Caleb a dentist appt. He has a cavity, I am not looking forward to this.
6. Read Anna Karenina. This book has made it's way onto my to-do list. So I can be reminded each passing day that bookclub is coming closer. And I am not making much progress.
7. Send our property manager a list of fixes. Small items that nag. The list grows.
8. Kill some flies, check for ants. We are serious crumb droppers, but have never experienced anything like this before. I kill lots of flies and find lots of ants. It grosses me out. And I declare WAR.
9. Gather materials for Caleb's project. Creating a board game from a historical fiction book (Detectives in Togas). He sketched out the idea and rough draft yesterday. Tonight is construction - times like this I am so glad I have gobs of scrapbooking and crafty things.
10. Dinner tonight. I am currently without plan. We have been doing a good job the past few weeks of meal planning which is about to come to an abrupt halt. Time to pull out the tried & true. Maybe soup? Or jambalaya. Something involving one pot for sure. Total score - just found TJ's Mahi Mahi Burgers in the freezer plus sweet potatoes (think fries). Woohoo! And so it goes...
What's on your list?
The End.