For those of you wondering about my Greenfest experience - it was all good! The event was extremely well organized - good signage, detailed instructions, and plenty of help for loading/unloading. That was a tremendous relief as I wasn't expecting all the externals to run so smoothly. Also, I was blessed with an AWESOME table location, close to the stairs, and more importantly, next to the free tree people. Apparently the Dept. of Forestry gives out about 400 trees (this year cherry and white pine) for replanting and are sought out by Greenfest attendees. While lining up for trees, they had time to browse.
Here are a few pictures of my table (a simplified version from the previous show):
And some new designs for spring:
For those of you wondering where the monkeys are....they are coming! I had a minor gluestick mishap on while working on his face and it has held up production while I fix (um, redo) it.
My lil table had plenty of visitors who managed not to overlap so I had a constant stream of friendly faces. And I was busy - I gave out all my cards and talked to a lot of people about upcycling and crafting. I sold more pieces than I expected and got recruited for a couple other events. Many noticed that I try to incorporate the words with the design and it felt good to have people "get it". It was a great encouragement that I may be on the right track, despite my low etsy sales. My only regret is that I didn't get up and walk around to see all the cool exhibitors - I know there were only 2 other crafters there and I would have liked to see their products. I also heard the Master Gardeners were selling garden boxes already constructed and planted with everything to grow your own salad. And I'm totally looking into RePAX boxes the next time we move. Plus there was a good deal of free stuff.
I realize I haven't talked about The Paper Pear much, so you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. There is more info coming now that I have a little bit of perspective and a clearer direction, it may seem backwards but I don't always work everything out before I start (otherwise I'd never start anything!). If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll incorporate them in the future post.
The End.