I am not letting the fact that I did not follow through on a single goal from 2011 deter me from making new ones in 2012. I may not be a strong finisher but I remain hopeful. Plus, even though I didn't complete my grand plans (like 24classics) -I did read eight (8 is great!) classics I would not have otherwise started.
Some are big - (find a house, declutter this one & pack), some are little (like transitioning to BLACK coffee, no zhuzhing (sp?)). Some are continuations from last year (16classics, Bible reading plan). Some are new - Project Life & Photo a Day. Some are business - grow the wholesale portion and carve out time to work on new designs. Some are not - take better care of myself AND return to favorite hobbies like scrapbooking. And some I've already slacked on - like Photo a Day - I forgot to take a photo yesterday after having coffee with dear Jill . Like it's every day (or every two years) friends drop out of the sky from North Dakota for coffee. Which just shows how out of the picture taking habit I am -yeesh.
Like fellow book blogger Erin, I am tired of getting caught up in the reviewing rat race. Not that I am ungrateful for the free books and lovely relationships with kind publicity offices and other bloggers, but it takes a toll. And I am increasingly falling behind as the demands of life rightly intrude..which can be guilt inducing at best, and make reviewing books seem more like a job and less like a hobby. Last year I thought I was going to slow it down and I didn't - now I'm ready. Up for consideration: moving my book operation over to goodreads and continuing to mention bookish things here....after I fulfill my current (and past) commitments.
And I am turning 40 this year...ahem, in a few days to be exact. I'm not sure if I believe it is the new 30 and I'm not sure I want it to be. My 30s were blissfully long and eventful and my prayer is for my 40s to be all that and a bag of chips more (although I don't usually throw . Although perhaps with a bit more direction, hence the goals...you see it all comes full circle.
Won't it be fun to see what sticks? What about you? Direct me to your blogs or just leave me a note.
Back soon with my list of favorite 2011 reads...
The End.