...to house my collection of autographed copies. Yes, I'm getting ahead of myself, because I only have three. But I did buy the new paperback version of Run and stood in line for a little over an hour to have Ann Patchett write me this note. If you are wondering what "Never swim with an alligator" means...she was telling me about a book she read called Bitten about all the things that might bite you and apparently there is a story of a man getting attacked by an alligator who stuck his arm down its throat and stimmed the gag reflex. Too which I replied, I would never have the presence of mind to do anything like that. I don't have the presence of mind to do sensible things in the course of daily living, much less a survival situation. Miji calls me self-preservation girl. And I am. So, long story...that's my signed copy for you.
Ann Patchett, besides having one of those names that when you speak it must be said first and last together annpatchett, also recommends the book she is currently reading..My First American by Lore Segal. Adding to the ever-growing tbr (to be read) list. It just won't shrink, dern it.
Okay, as for the book reading/ q&a part. Ann Patchett is clearly brilliant. As in, I don't do any research on what I write about, I just imagine well, kind of brilliant. Huh? I'm not kidding, amazing. She has a reserve (New England-esque) that doesn't match with her L.A./Nashville upbringing. She spoke of the options on Bel Canto - movie/Broadway show. The latest is perhaps a Broadway show which in my opinion seems the most fitting. For some reason, perhaps pandering to her big city anti-establishment audience, she was overly apologetic about being Catholic and living in a small city (Nashville). For the most part, she gave interesting answers to questions about how she writes, where she gets ideas, and my favorite - because I share this theory, sort of - that everyone has one story and they just retell it with different setting and characters. Her "story" is always about loving families, people coming together to form one, related or not.
That store was oh-so crowded. Not anything like the Leif Enger event. I must say I preferred the laid back vibe at his event, to the packed standing room only let me ask you a question so I can impress you with how smart I am vibe at this one. (There's one -or some- of those people everywhere, no?) I can only attribute it to AnnPatchett having arrived. Note to self: visit author events before they get too famous. Although if Jhumpa Lahiri comes anywhere in the tri-state area, I'm there.
We will hosting our very own author event in September when Joshua Henkin stops in to visit. So read his book, Matrimony, won't you?
The End.