I don't want this to seem like a school assignment. (cringe) I just wanted to jot down some guidelines in case you had any questions. Pretty simple, I think.
- I know this is obvious, but it does help if you read the book.
- As you are reading, mark down page #s or write down passages or quotes that you want to remember.
- If you are like me and have read the book a while back....skim it. Just skim and refresh your memory regarding names of characters, basic plot, and chronology. It's amazing what you will remember just flipping through. Seriously.
- If you are unable to do the above, don't fret. Other peeps answers will refresh your memory.
- I will post A LOT of questions. You are free to:
1. Answer all of them in order. For you type As.
2. Read through them and choose the ones you want to answer.
3. Answer some combination of questions as one long essay.
4. Bring up a question yourself.
5. Respond to other answers or questions.
6. Be nosy and lurk (although I truly encourage you to join in).
- I probably won't answer the questions, at least not right away. My role is to keep you guys talking.
Also remember, if you love a book and someone else hates it - that's totally okay. It's actually better for a discussion if people disagree (respectfully, of course). Book clubs can get stale when everyone loves it - there's no tension. I have grown to love all the varying views of other readers. It changes the way I view what I've read and helps me examine how I filter it. We all read differently. And that is good.
If you have more questions, or I forgot something, please leave it in the comments.