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February 04, 2008



Ooooh, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Here are my unanswered questions about the book... I know, it isn't official book club fodder here, but I am dying to know what you think...

When she goes to the house that is all women plus her brother, what is that household, and what links the women together? By putting the brothel next door, I thought the suggestion was that it isn't a brothel, but what is it?

Why doesn't she marry the man she loves? Why do you think the author selected this plot strand?

And, random, but still wondering... How do you think this book compares with Esme? I have been thinking about their similarities.


I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I think since it's been a while since I've read it, I'll suggest it to my bookclub for 2009 (!).

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