Eva Moves The Furniture by Margot Livesay, 240 pgs.
This is a wonderful example of goodreads in action. My trusted friends - e, jill, katherine, and audrey- love this book. When I found it on clearance I snatched it up, eager to see how their tastes and mine compare. It is a delightfully simple story of Eva, beginning on the day she was born in 1920. What makes her ordinary days unique are the frequent appearances of her "companions" - a woman and a young girl - throughout her life. When Eva is a young girl they are her friends, as she grows older they subtlely (and not) guide and help her. They appear only to her, and she struggles from time to time with confessing their presence to others.
I most appreciated the tight yet fluid prose. It was an eloquent addition to the current batch of novels with a supernatural element. The writing style reminded me of a mix between Penelope Lively (Consequences) and Maggie O'Farrell (Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox). All this to say it is good and you won't go wrong adding to your list.
Ready to read more Livesay? - her newest is The House on Fortune Street and she has lots more. Anyone read any others? Thoughts?
4 stars.
The End.
You're right... Margot Livesay is a mix of Penelope and Maggie... I think that's why I liked it. Well, that and it breaks from the ordinary. I grow weary of the same story told a million times.
She also reminded me a little of Alice Hoffman.
I'd like to read some others by her. I wonder if the supernatural is more pervasive in other books.
Posted by: jill | July 21, 2008 at 09:47 PM