Despite receiving a devastating terminal breast cancer diagnosis, Raquel Rose's life almost instantly changes for the better. Her family treats her differently, she becomes a fundraiser on a local talk show, and she begins to pursue her artistic dreams. When it turns out her biopsy results were involved in a mix up and she is told her health is intact, she decides she is in too deep and continues to play patient.
This had the potential to be a great story except for one thing - Raquel Rose is completely and totally unlikeable. I tried, I really did. But she finds out so early about the mixup, that it is hard to believe the "pressure" she felt about keeping up the story. And I get how she came to feel unappreciated and stuck - but I just didn't like her enough to care. And I found her selfishness to be bratty not sympathetic. I was intrigued by the idea, but couldn't root for the heroine, so it fell flat.
If you're still interested in reading this, I'm offering you my copy.(Leave me a comment and I'll send it to you) This book is available now in stores. Thanks to Hatchette Book Group for giving me the preview copy.
1.5 stars
The End.